The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human


 The Vision of The Christuman Way 

Here is a new song of all that is eternal and of all that is universal.

Christuman began as a song.
It came by way of a seminal seedbed of the Humanities 
cultivated into an inner vision and an inner hearing 
to inspire a fiery song of the Holy Spirit.

 This fiery song became transcribed into a Way we call Christuman.

Christuman’s early roots began to form in the mid-1980s around a dining room table where students of Dr. William Boast met informally to study the history of human achievement and the history of various religions, religious movements and religious works. These formative studies awakened not only transformative personal faith but a desire to find a collective expression of faith as well. The stories of peoples’ religious and spiritual experiences, often as great movements of spiritual strength and force, inspired the group to formalize around a dedicated spiritual life that would revive a vitality that was so evident in these great periods of history.

Thereby, Christuman was instituted in 1988 with an intention to revitalize the truth of all religions and reawaken the vitality of those truths in each member.  From its inception, the Christuman Way was established as a spiritual organization with an emphasis on the experience of the fullest possible human religious life and spiritual richness by way of the Holy Spirit.

A foundational motif of Christuman is that the Human Being is God’s greatest creation and that the Human experience is forged by way of the creative that is, becoming a creator, created in the image of our Creator.

The new song of Christuman is sourced in the rich archetypes of Western traditions but is inclusive of whatever is Eternal and Universal in all religions and names the eternal and universal as the True religion.

It is a song that is expressed through vatesin the music of vision, ritual, art and prophecy.

Christuman is a call to hear the eternal and universal and suggests that when you hear it, you are the eye that hears. The song sings through those who hear and those who choose to give voice (and eyes and ears) to the song. All are invited to attend to this song. 

It is a creative, imaginative song through which God eternally and universally reveals Himself through the Holy Spirit. 

The Christuman Way is focused on the spiritual development of each human being as an individual. It is founded on the premise that the most effective way to help the world is by helping individuals become better men and women. Thus, the Christuman Way was formed to provide a new and living center for human and religious study and for spiritual experience. By its very name, Christuman fuses the Christ with the Human and explores the Way of becoming your own priest through worship, through community, through study, through contemplation and prayer, through the service of tending the soul.

Christuman provides people the means to come to greater knowledge and understanding and offers two types of gatherings for religious worship and spiritual experience. One gathering is dedicated to paying homage to the civilizing genius of the human through a dedicated service to the life of the home and the community. In this worship service, the group meets around a dining room table and centers it ritual around song, prayer, the sharing of quotes and readings, and communion.

Another gathering celebrates the mystery of being human through a monthly themed liturgy (Love, Joy, Creativity, the Quest, Enlightenment, etc.). This four-part liturgy mirrors the hero’s path and takes the individual on a spiritual journey by way of great music, sacred scripture, evocative readings, and communion.

The Christuman Way has articulated four orders of study designed to help members achieve their highest and fulfill their calling to become Human (the intersection point for the animal and the Divine). These orders include to study in-depth:

·      Human achievement and human quality as the children of God and the greatness of mankind.

·      The great models of history and from them find personal growth and personal strength.

·      Religions and mythology and to understand man’s spiritual quest through human history.

·      The lives and works of great religious leaders and from them gain greater spiritual insight and experience.

The Christuman Humanities Institute takes on this sacred, educative mission and provides study and guidance through classes on philosophy, religious ideas, history, literature and biography. Eventually, those who have declared themselves to be on the path to ordination and have completed the requisite studies can be considered. Provided their studies and the excellence of their human and spiritual model are approved by the Dean, the candidate is officially ordained by the church.

Through all of this, it is our hope that we will support a creative way of life for all those who come to us. We seek a world vision of human achievement as the children of God and as the friends of God and, from this, the building of a better world by building better individuals.


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