The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Our Ministers

Behnke, Earl (head - color).jpg

Earl J Behnke Jr, Dean and Minister

As Dean, Earl serves as the spiritual, philosophical and managerial director of the Christuman Way. In addition to these aspects of his service to Christuman, Earl takes great joy in searching and discovering the music that fills our services with sacrality. Earl’s mission is to bring sacred creation into all aspects of life. His work in the field of property management and development gives him opportunity to bring this sacred into daily life by building environments of creativity and success for his owners, tenants and staff. He also takes time to mentor people who are new to the field of property management teaching not only the skills of the trade but the essential need to work from the mind of the heart. In addition to his work in both Christuman and management, Earl enjoys reading, study, music and time with his wife, children and grandchildren.


Alexis Drabek, Minister

Alexis has followed the Christuman Way for most of her life and received her ordination in 2009. In addition to her spiritual calling, Alexis has a passion for dance. Since her graduation from The Juilliard School in 2002, Alexis has had a long career as a professional ballet dancer. In 2019, as an extension of her ministry, Alexis received certification as a Sacred End of Life Doula from the Conscious Dying Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Alexis is the mother of three and still teaches dance and movement, and occasionally performs.

Christine Erwin, Minister

Christine was ordained in September 2021. She is a life-long religious questor who loves ritual and liturgy. She is interested in pursuing her personal spiritual journey and hearing about others’ journeys. Christine grew up in Louisiana and has lived in Colorado with her husband, John, since 1981. She has a BA in Speech Pathology, an MA in Clinical Audiology, and a BS in Nursing. She has four children and three grandchildren.  She loves cats, traveling and spending time with friends and family. Reading is her favorite activity and spiritual practice.


Ben Leichtling, Minister

Ben has been a Christuman Minister since 1998. Prior to this spiritual vocation, Ben received his Ph. D. in biochemistry from University in 1966. After Post-Doctoral studies at the University of Illinois, he directed biomedical research labs at the State University of New York, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and National Jewish Hospital and Research Center. Ben co-authored over 30 scientific papers and book chapters. In 1985, Ben transited into his present career as a coach and consultant. He designs individualized plans to help people develop courage, strength, determination and perseverance as well as master the skills they need to take charge of their situations. His publications include: Bullies Below the Radar: How to Wise Up, Stand Up and Stay Up; How to Stop Sneaky Bullies; How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks: Parenting Bully-Proof Kids.

Donna Leichtling, Matrona and Minister


Donna is Christuman’s “Mother Poet”. A retired registered nurse, hospice nurse, mother of six, grandmother of 13, great-grandmother to five, she now engages full time in her true work—exploring the life she came here to lead. Donna considers herself blessed with the luxury of being engaged full time as a poet. Reading the work of other writers, learning of their lives, and with wise guidance from many, she continues to become a poet, a journey she will continue for the rest of her life. Donna says, “I am not a teacher, or a critic, but a companion and guide to other writers, and those who would like to write, as a sacred practice.”

Benjamin Martin, Vicar Magister and Minister


As Vicar Magister of the Christuman Way, it has been Benjamin’s joy to use his gift for inspirational writing in the creation of Christuman High Services and in authoring prayers, spiritual treatises, meditations and contemplations on universal themes found in all religions. Benjamin’s calling is to give voice and form to the sacrality of life-changing events in ceremony, celebration and ritual. He is the author of Prayers on the Road Home and is a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® specializing in both funerals and in ceremonies across-the-life cycle. In addition to his ministry and celebrancy work, Benjamin has almost 40 years of industry experience in software technology, single-source publishing and content management solutions. The wonder of Nature and fourteen grandchildren provide Benjamin with endless delight.

Teri Martin, Rectrix of Christuman Humanities Institute and Minister


Teri is a lifelong student of Sacred Humanism. She earned her undergrad degree in Mathematics from Pepperdine University, her Master of Liberal Arts degree from St. John’s College, New Mexico and her Doctorate of Ministry from The New Seminary. She has spent 40 years teaching all ages of students across a spectrum of subjects including religious studies, mathematics, history, literature, art history, philosophy, and music. Teri considers her most important studies to be those of Sacred Humanism under the mentorship of the late Dr. William Boast, founding Dean of the Christuman Church, and her most important classes, those taught around the Christuman table. In addition to her service as a Minister, Rectrix of the Christuman Humanities Institute and a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®, Teri takes joy in being a grandmother to fourteen grandchildren.


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