The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

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Daily Signet

The Spirit catches us, uses us when we ask. When we pray, "Use us, Use us, Use us," we are asking the same, the very same Spirit who was at Creation, the very same Spirit who brooded over the face of the water, the very same Spirit of whom the Upanishads sing, "It daily chooses a man upon which to ride”—to use US—you, and you, and you, and me. Furthermore, I believe that such use will reveal the original of us, the origo of each, the divine part of each and all of us made manifest in this time and place.                                                                                                                           

Teri Martin

On This Day…


Denise Levertov born in 1923 in Ilford, Esssex, England, died 1997: after a career as a dancer, moved to America where she spent the rest of her life as writer and peace activist. Winner of National Book Awards for both her poetry and her translations of poetry. Known for poems Breathing The Water, The Stream and the Sapphire and The Freeing of the Dust
Quotes: “You have to come to shore. There are no instructions.” “I long for poems of an inner harmony in utter contrast to the chaos in which they exist. Insofar as poetry has a social function it is to awaken sleepers by other means than shock.” “But as the road unfurls itself, we don’t stop walking. We know we have far to go.”


John Berryman born in 1914 in McAlester, Oklahoma, committed suicide in 1972: winner of Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award for his poetry. Remembered for his poems Dream Songs and The Heart Is Strange Quotes: “We must travel in the direction of our fear.” “I didn’t want to be like Yeats. I wanted to be Yeats.” “The artist is extremely lucky who is presented with the worst possible ordeal which will not actually kill him. At that point, he’s in business.”

Daily Signet

I am in deep waters,
far from what I know,
long in search of what I cannot know.

I have heard the call. 
(Such foreign waters
with sea creatures
unimagined until now
and such foreign forces at work,
enduring the feeling
that you are in 
over your head,
out of your element,
out of what you can control.)

And though I am unsure
as to the way
and unclear as to the end,
I am resolved. I embark.
And thus, we are all hear
on this call,
Who have heard the call,
unclear as to its end.
(Will it outlive us?
Die on the vine?
Will it attract millions?
Be rediscovered millions of years from now?
It is unclear.)                           

Benjamin Martin

Photo by @almosbech on Unsplash

Daily Signet

Standing, attending, remembering that to give Christ, it is necessary to increasingly be Christ. Having the courage to be willing to stay, even for a few seconds, with discomfort, so that I can gradually learn not to fear it. To recall what a powerful combination is mindfulness and appreciation, and that the essence of bravery is allowing ourselves to live without self deception. And that beginning with compassionate aspirations is a good thing, and wholehearted determination and the steady practice of prayer have a lot to say for them.        

Donna Leichtling

Daily Signet

Why do people try so hard, fight so hard for the right to walk on any way but their own? They walk the way of money; they walk the way of position; they walk the way of opinions; they walk the way of thousands of others who tell them where to walk and how to walk. To give all you have to materialism is to walk the ego's way, and pay far too much for your income.                                             

William Boast

Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

On This Day…


Ursula Le Guin born in 1929 in Berkeley, California: writer of novels and children’s stories, mainly in the fantasy and science fiction genre.  Author of The Earthsea Trilogy
Quotes: “My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it.” “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.”

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