The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The secret of the masculine: the will to act with no attachment to the outcome of that action. The outcome is the boon for others.

William Boast

On This Day…

Wislava Szymborska born 1904 in Poland, died 2012: poet, essayist, translator and Nobel Prize Laureate
Works: many collections of poems
Quotes: “Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there’s no such thing. Their faith will make it easier to live and die.” “Any knowledge that doesn’t lead to new questions quickly dies out. It fails to maintain the temperature required for sustaining life.” “I cannot speak for more than an hour exclusively about poetry. At that point, life itself takes over again.”

Daily Signet

The winged Mercury quickening the fire,
The salamander withstanding the flames,
The phoenix rising from its charred remains,
Fire building
Fire burning,
Fire bringing.
Release within the power to transform.

Ever has the eternal masculine been fire and alchemy to me.
The impulse to create and transform from the ashes of the past.
The impetus to provide, protect, procreate.
Directed, focused, driving life.
Resurrecting life.
The active principle of God.                                                                

Benjamin Martin

Daily Signet

I am holy ground. 
And in this ground, my grave and my garden.
Where I must die to all I have acquired.
That I might open up into all that I am.
Here and beyond time,
I am, Hear me, Here I am, 
That I might open up into all that I am.  
That in my emptiness I might embrace the All 
in its wholeness, the holiness of this place, 
the immensity of a family, 
the potential of a work, 
to the crescendo of community 
as it gives voice to the beloving, 
to the God beyond the God.  
I have heard the voice of fire 
that spoke from the burning bush 
and called me out of my comfort 
and prompts me to remove my shoes.
Here and beyond time,
I am, Hear me, Here I am,
that I might open up and embrace all that is around me
with all that I AM. Here I am.

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Shinto Ohari: grand purification feast when people are cleansed to provide relief from their sins

Czeslaw Milosz born 1911 in Lithuania, died 2004: poet, writer, translator, diplomat and Nobel Prize recipient
Works: The World and many poetry and prose collections
Quotes: “The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history.” “It is impossible to communicate to people who have not experienced the undefinable menace of total rationalism.” “What is poetry which does not save nations or people?” 

Daily Signet

Have you ever: lost your sense of “little-s self”— personality and ego – and simply been?  Experienced a moment, a minute, an hour of Me; True Me?  Without thinking?  Without wondering?  Been in a way you’d describe as Self-ing (with a capital S)?  As if you were absolutely stable and unmovable, rooted in heaven coming down through you and earth rising up through you and meeting somewhere in you?

Think about John Muir. We can read and reach for how he describes what he feels when he’s in the wild—that Knowing that God is through it All, that animals live and die for themselves (not us), that we live and die and it’s absolutely all right….We read how Muir abandons professional life, distributes his possessions to friends and family, and enters the American wilderness in an “unconditional surrender” to its call. He says: “In September 1867, I abandoned conventional society to go wholehearted and unafraid, into the American wilderness. I bade adieu to mechanical inventions determined to devote the rest of my life to the study of the inventions of God.”  Muir felt resigned to a fate he could no longer resist. “I wish I knew where I was going, Doomed to be ‘carried of the spirit into the wilderness,’ I suppose. I wish I could be more moderate in my desires, but cannot, and so there is no rest.” 

Perhaps this is how it feels to give our lives over to our Origo, our “I Am-ing” (not over to our ego-ing or personality-ing), whether that takes us, as it did Muir, out into the wilderness or to the ocean or to Congress to make national parks or to political conventions before the next election.…To come to be in the world as I Am-ing is a boon, what I say about I Am-ing is a boon, what I do guided by I Am-ing is a boon.                                                     

Ben Leichtling

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