The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

February’s First Friday Fun!

Well, we weren’t able to gather in January…too many germs. But we were happy to be together again for the First Friday of February! As we looked at this month’s theme, Mystery of Grace and Love, we wondered about the vibration of love…and asked the wonderful Kirsten Antony of Soul to Sole Holistic Health, to join us in our discovery.

First, we put our hands on our own necks to feel the vibrations made from our vocal cords as we talked. Next, we shared the amazing experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto outlined in his book, The Hidden Messages of Water. Emoto found that water exposed to positive words and intentions formed beautiful, symmetrical crystalline structures when the water was frozen, while water exposed to negative words and intentions formed disorganized, asymmetrical structures. Many of the children already knew that our bodies are made up of 60% or so of water…so what happens if we send negative vibrations in the form of mean words or thoughts to ourselves or others? What does that do to the very molecular structure of our own bodies? But what if we send positive vibrations, intentions, prayers, affirmations, how would that change the shape of our water molecules? Then, we created our own experiment, putting cooked rice into two different jars. On one we taped the words, “You Fool!” and on the other “You’re Great!”. We then each said these out loud or silently to each jar and will check the results next month!

Then it was Kirsten’s turn! She generously brought in her collection of Tibetan bowls, filled them with water, and allowed the children to play the bowls so they could see the vibrations that resulted from each “sounding” of the bowl. The kids were also up for the challenge of trying to make the bowls “sing”, a practice which takes great patience and perseverance. One child combined the two lessons by taping the words “I love you” onto one of the bowls, we believe amplifying the already beautiful vibrations emanating from the singing bowl!

Finally, the kids laid out their mats and Kirsten treated them to a 10 minute sound healing, letting them feel the vibrations wash over and through them. The whole evening was an awesome exploration of the vibration of love!

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