The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  Please read the writings I sent around.

We’ll follow with another 4 hour video that focuses on the last eight years leading up to the vote on Suffrage in 1920.
These episodes are in season 32 of American Experience, and are titled “American Experience: The Vote.” I couldn’t find them on Amazon and had to stream directly from PBS (maybe they’re on YouTube).

You’ll see what politics are really about that might affect your thinking about what the leaders of Black Lives Matter might try to do.
How historic change teeters on a knife edge of one vote.
If you were to write a playbook for successful social movements, what would it advise?

You’ll meet some other wonderful people including:
Mary Wollstonecraft
The Pankhursts – Emmeline, Sylvia and Christabel
The argument of the broken window pane is the most valuable argument in modern politics
Trust in God - she will provide
Justice and judgment lie often a world apart
Harriet Stanton Blatch
Margaret Park training “front door” lobbyists
Carrie Chapman Catt
Especially Alice Paul – she demands
Jeanette Rankin – House of Representatives from Montana
And the Anti-Suffragettes
Oh, Woodrow Wilson

The lynchings will help you understand why Daddy King was afraid for his son.
Notice the hard choices forced on people wanting voting rights for Black men and women and the Suffragettes.
The split between the middle class (go-Slow) and the militant reformers.
Trying to decide what to do when being polite and diffident still doesn’t convince the people in power to relinquish their power.

As a side note – sometime, watch the episodes from the 1992 Ken Burns series, “America,” on how congress works and the one on Huey Long (the playbook will look familiar).

Then we’ll dive into failed promise and horror of Reconstruction.  There’s a four hour PBS video by Henry Lewis Gates, “Reconstruction” and his book, “Stony the Road.”

We’ll meet and dive into some wonderful people:
Thaddeus Stevens
Fredrick Douglass
Ida B. Wells
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois


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