The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Fill us with the music of water
and the nurture of mountain, 
the truth of labor,
the power of submission.
May our He and She be conjoined
so we may conceive, 
give birth, be born again.
For She enfolds all that was, that is, that will be
and yet, she unfolds into all that is new, 
that is young, that is alive. 
In Her timeless pattern, She carries us 
upon Her waves of labor and brings us to our birth 
over and over again.                                                               

Benjamin H Martin


On This Day…

St. Joseph of Arimathea

Lammas - old English church festival of harvest when loaves of bread made from the first grain harvested are consecrated

Lughnassadh - pagan celebration of the beginning of harvest season

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