The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Continued Contemplations on the Mahavidyas…


The Effulgent charm of Bhairavi: Bhairavi is the heat, energy, tapas of life; she is the self-energizing heat of the divine. The world was created in the form of an egg which was broken by the heat of incubation allowing the soul in Nature to emerge like a bird from the egg. Associated with fire, agni, Bhairavi is described as the flame of the concentration of consciousness that burns in each and every being.  She is the source of the fire of Kundalini which burns through all ignorance.  She is shown as a coiled serpent, a fiery bridge that closes the chasm between the narrowness of matter and the immensity of the Spirit. As is the case with many of the Mahavidyas, she is at once both beautiful and terrible.                                       Teri Martin

From the High Service…

Of flame-hued Tripura Bhairavi,
May the generative center in me
Re-wed the closed finite’s lonely consonant 
with the open vowels of Infinity.
Be a home for your light and in this center
A hyphen must connect Matter and Mind
Secure a place—a hearth of wisdom—
The narrow isthmus of the ascending soul.                       Sri Aurobindo
Through which the passions of yin and Yang become dance.  Amen.            Teri Martin

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