The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The disciples heard Him say,
“I will destroy this temple
made with hands and in three days
I will build another made without hands.”
Easier said than done this holy thing of life and death
Re-membering ourselves within a tomb.
Remembering this temple of living cells, vital bricks,
daily growing inside out, transforming as we go.
Allowing the mystery
dying to self—
no certainty on demand.

No less a miracle,
no less of a dance of gestation,
resurrection requires no less than incarnation,
a tomb of the womb eternally expectant.
This holy grail of the creative,|
therein the taste of immortality,
the eternally sacred chance to be.

Must it be? Oh yes. It must be. It must be.
Let us hither to the garden then, this day
and plant ourselves there as seeds.
For the deaths of the least of me
require no less passion
than the birth of the human soul of me.
And it is easier said than done
this thing of holy life and death,
transfiguring tomb to womb.                             

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Elizabeth Barrett Browning born 1806 in London, died 1861 in Rome: poet
Works: Sonnets From the Portuguese, The Cry of the Children, Aurora Leigh

Quotes: “Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; and only he who sees takes off his shoes; the rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.” “Who so loves believes the impossible.”

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