The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

I am so lucky.  I walk in a great ocean of magnificent people, joyfully telling me “listen, behold, attend.”  What more could I ask for?

There I was, getting my hair cut – what could be more prosaic in chronos time – while, in between snips, the hairdresser, a personal friend, was talking about some woman our age, still a guru groupie, telling her, very excitedly, that there’s a big event coming to Denver – Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, all the New Age big shots.

Her friend is so excited because she has a connection in the entourage and for only $300 she scored a ticket in the preferred seating section.

Dryly, the bearded, beatnik, admin/receptionist, said, “I think it’s strange that there are preferred seats to enlightenment.”

Isn’t it wonderful?  I’m sitting there in a preferred seat getting my hair and bang, crackle – a burning bush – kairos time breaks over us in a giant wave of laughter.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.  Hosanna in excelsis.

Christmas – the star out there and me so far away, so long from home, so afraid to die the death I need to die in order to reach the star.

Then bang, crackle – and I’m in kairos time in my preferred seating feeling the gift of grace carried to us by the Christos within.  All believed and all beloved.

Ben Leichtling

On This Day…


Our Lady of Guadalupe: remembrance of the three occasions in 1531 when Our Lady revealed herself to Juan Diego, a young Aztec Catholic convert in central Mexico

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