The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

O Beloved Spirit, 
You are made alive in us 
not through our worthiness 
or by the appeasement of our good deeds 
but through an awakened imagination – 
a full, intercoursing flow of our mater and our star.

Awaken us to unceasing prayer.
Rather than prayers fragmented, 
chopped into corners of time 
subject to the invasion of the urgent.  
Instead, may we find unceasing prayer 
and secure timeless days 
though there be endless waves of too much to consider 
and too much to repair.

Awaken us to unceasing prayer.
Rather than fragmented outbursts
of wishes and wants.
Instead, may we find unceasing prayer, 
where the valves of our heart flow unconstricted 
in a heartbeat of communion,
the hope we would seek to sustain.   

Awaken us to unceasing prayer.
Rather than fragmented  
and categorized for special occasions,  
instead may we hold to the timeless, 
constantly move from the light of the inner
though the outer be darkened with the constantly unfinished.  

Our days are such that there is no time to take for prayer.
Our only hope – to be in unceasing prayer,
An awakened imagination,
to the unceasing mix of the mater 
of what we must do 
with the star of what is possible 
and in that balance, though all else be askew, 
an unceasing conversation with You.   

Teach us unceasing prayer, O Beloved Spirit. 
Teach us an awakened imagination.  Amen.

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…


Saki (Hector Hugh Monro) born 12-18-1870 in Burma. Writer of mischievous and often macabre stories satirizing Edwardian culture; Chronicles of Clovis, The Unbearable Bassington. Died 11-13-1916
Quotes: “A little accuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.” “He’s simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed.”


Ossie Davis born 12-18-1917 in Cogdell, Georgia: film, TV, stage actor, director, poet, playwright, author and social activist. Died 2-4-2005 Quotes: “I find in being black, a thing of beauty; a strength; a secret cup of gladness.”
“Struggle is strengthening. Battling with evil gives us the power to battle evil even more.”

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