The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

In the silence of the night, I belove
and here find alchemical soil for my soul,
the garden bed for vatic seed, 
the deeply rich and eternally worked compost
of cosmogony and theogony, 
of Tep Zepis and Ragnoraks,
of chthonian dolmen and cromlech, 
of Neolithic pillars and gates to the sky
of gods in baskets and in twilight, 
of mysteries Mithraic and Eleusinian.

In the silence of the night, I belove
and here find an atrium,
womb of Credo, manger for the origo,
here is created the connective tissue 
of all that is human and divine,
in the mystery of polarity, 
in seasons of birth and death
in the mysteries of male and female, 
quest and home and in worship
of that which is both without and within.

In the silence of the night, I belove, 
and here find an altar in the darkness
where that which cannot be is made one, 
and that which is one, is made all.
Of that which is both transcendent and immanent,
and I am joined in Spirit, words are made flesh.
I belove, and here find that which is ineffable becomes familial
and that which is Universal, Divine—Father, Mother—becomes akin.
One voice in soma and Eucharist,
hearthfire and baptismal water,
in cave and mountain, 
prophet and savior.                                                                                                     

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Zoroastrian Zarathosht Diso: remembrance of the death of the Prophet Zarathustra


St. Stephen: stoned for his beliefs, he was the first Christian martyr


Thomas Gray born 12-26-1716 in London: poet, letter writer, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge best known for his Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard. Died 7-30-1771
Quotes: “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” “The paths of glory lead but to the grave.” “Too poor for a bribe, too proud to importune, he had not the method of making a fortune.”

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