The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Oh Holy Spirit,
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our love.
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our joy.
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our creative energy.
Oh Holy Breath, circulate in all your fullness through us.

Upon your breath, may we articulate a song inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all despair.
Upon your breath, may we articulate a thought inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all apathy.
Upon your breath, may we articulate a prayer inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all fear.
Oh Holy Breath, articulate and exhale in all your fullness through us.

And though it seems we are the one who breathes,
let us submit to being breathed by you.
And though it seems we are the ones who inspire,
let us realize that we are the inspiration.
And though it seems we are the one who stops and starts and holds the breath,
Let us realize it is the breath
that stops and starts and holds us.

Oh Holy Spirit,
May we know the fullness of your breath
in the fullness of this moment now,
in the fullness of our days here,
and in the fullness of our days hereafter.

Oh Holy Breath, inspire us so we may be your prayer.
In Your Image. Amen.                                                           

Benjamin Martin



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