The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Consider the sameness of the verb, “to love,” and consider how stagnant its meaning when coupled with ice cream, beer, or riding a bike. And yet, its power is in its context, when applied to a moment wrested from the mundane, where the unexpected opens up into an exchange of regard and chemistry and what seemed impossible becomes known as something wonderful.

Photo credit @jannerboy62 on Unsplash

Photo credit @jannerboy62 on Unsplash

Take the word love and insert it between two people who have shared the same bed for 50 years and weathered the deaths of their children, the hardships of the wars and times of negative income. Take the word love and insert it between a parent and a child as the mother cares for her handicapped son. Take the word love and insert it between two competitive brothers who come to terms with the intensity of what they have felt for each other over the years. It is not the sameness of the word that is so impressive but that the same word can carry so much power via the context of what resides on either side of it. God can only retain His sameness and still be personal through context. This context of the human makes a universal God (transcendent) into a very personal God (imminent) that cannot be replicated.

In Christuman, we strive for continuity, for a Golden Chain of very personal instances where the world’s chance to be is manifested in the unique context of very soulful priests. We strive for a continuity of origo where the singularity of the one human gives amplification to the oneness of the God everywhere and the God all knowing. We do not seek to distill down to a common understanding or a unifying definition instead we seek to instill the context of all that a human can be with all that the God is and was and is to come. May it be so.          

Benjamin Martin

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