The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Photo credit @illiaholin on Unsplash

Photo credit @illiaholin on Unsplash

Musing on Nature as Teacher…As we were stopped at the light where traffic can merge on to the freeway, we noticed a gaggle of geese huddled on a narrow strip of land between the freeway and the onramp. To the right of the onramp is a dam that is a virtual paradise for water fowl. While we were stopped at the light, we watched the geese venture onto the asphalt of the onramp in an effort to get to the dam side of the road only to retreat back to the strip of land as merging cars sped onto the onramp.  We were there long enough to observe several attempts of this gaggle of geese to brave the road only to be forced once again into retreat.  As the light changed and I accelerated, I thought to myself, “How ridiculous.” Then, out loud, “Don’t they know they have wings?”  Unflatteringly, this “geese crossing” event had a way of slapping me up the side of the head with the metaphor – for I wondered if the same observation might be made of me.

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Purim: Jewish remembrance of Esther the Redeemer, who saved her people from genocide

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