The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Image by Juniper Photon on Unsplash

We live on the shore of stars.  We can walk out and stare up (as Ovid coaches us) into the immensity of the unfathomable depths of sky. We can experience the startling realization of oh how small we really are.  And yet, we can fill up with stars and affirm our up-rightness, our one chance to be fully human.  And we can swell in a bigness like a womb at conception where an all-at-onceness implodes and everything is aligned and we are moved toward the magnificent insecurity of a death and the magnificent insecurity of a rebirth, towards a newness of life.  And though we are firmly planted here on the observatory of the earth and fully committed to the manger in which we were born and in which we work, may we always remember to face towards and up into the stars for in them the birth of the world’s chance to be – the world’s chance to be through and out of each of us. And through that birth – a Christuman for the ages.  Amen

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

St. Thomas Aquinas: 13C priest and Doctor of the Church

Detail from Valle Romita Polyptych by Gentile da Fabriano (circa 1400)

Detail from Valle Romita Polyptych
by Gentile da Fabriano (circa 1400)

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