The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

In this season we think of the teachers who teach and what was waiting in us becomes real…
We think of the magi who saw a star, a potential, a world’s chance to be…
Who didn’t know what the particular potential of the star was…
Who didn’t know what “world’s chance to be” it was…
But they beloving, revealed their believing and came to worship… 

Heraclitus said, “If you do not hope, you will not find that which is not hoped for; since it is difficult to discover and impossible to attain.”  How many stars in the East have gone unseen, or perhaps seen, were ignored.

During this season of epiphany and beyond, may we receive the gift of pure vision 
and if you see a star in the East, may you have the courage to load up the camels. Today.

May we be seers and not mere spectators and reach for the star, try to reach all of the way.
Because Advent is over and so is the season of waiting.

Teri Martin

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