The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

So hear me now, as we gather to the light of this fire, close together against the night. Listen with your heart as I speak with my heart. Listen with your mind as I speak with my mind. Listen with your body and give strength to my words. Look deep within and deep without. And see the Gift of Inner Fire. And with love, unite the Gift of Inner Fire with the Gifts of Life and of Tribal Fire and of Individual Reason. And named Christos, you will walk as Man with the Divine God. 

So may the Divine God accept this offering of ourselves and give power to the seed of fire that kindles within and without.                                                                      

Ben Leichtling

On This Day…

Sikh remembrance of the birthday of Guru Gobindh Singh

St. Simeon, 5C hermit and pillar sitter

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