The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

O Beloved Spirit, Speak to us of all that is Yang – of crossing boundaries, of journeys that cross the lines and brave new worlds and new insights; speak to us of the eternal masculine—of winged flight of ideas that transform and change, of athletic adventures of competing and winning and losing and testing strength; speak to us of the masculine—of marking the journey with the generative and looking for the new life that is to follow; speak to us of male—of the crossings into death and the return with the boon, of the caduceus wrapped in serpents and winged with transformative power and healing. Speak to us of the eternal masculine—of the upending of shapeshifting and trickery and cunning and calculating koans that spur the unpredictable. Speak to us of all that is Yang –where ideas flourish and inspire in an oratory of persuasive conjunction of meaning and elocution. Speak to us of the eternal masculine—where we free imprisoned matter with fire when others see only wood.                                                                                                                                                                      

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

St. Pantaleon (Panteleimon): 4C martyr under Diocletian in Turkey

St. Pantaleon (Panteleimon): 4C martyr under Diocletian in Turkey

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