The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

There’s a most magnificent moment in the Ramayana, when all the monkeys are taken aback by the need to leap 100 yojanas, the distance from mainland India to Sri Lanka. They monkey about on the beach bragging of leaps of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 yojanas—but 100 is beyond attempting, or even imagining. Finally, Jambavan, the king of the bears, goes to the great ape Hanuman and says, "Hanuman, why are you sitting thus, alone, silent and dejected? How is it you do not realize that you are as valiant as Sugriva the King, or Rama or Lakshman? You must have heard of Garuda [the greatest of eagles]…he is famed for his strength, for the speed with which he can fly, for the beauty of his wings, which has earned for him the name ‘Suparna’. I am telling you that the powerful wings of Garuda are not to be compared with the strength of your arms. Your strength, your wisdom, your valor, and your good nature are superior to those of everyone else in this entire world. Do you not know yourself?"  And Hanuman then leaps and does find Sita and does not get a swelled head.

Do you not know yourself?  Who you are is of greatness. What you are doing is of greatness. What you are creating is of greatness. With Rama’s name writ large on every bone, you must rise up to leap—beyond even your imagination.

Benjamin Martin           

On This Day…

Maurice Sendak born 1928 in Brooklyn, New York, died 2012: writer and illustrator of children’s books
Works: In The Night Kitchen, Where the Wild Things Are
Quotes: “There must be more to life than having everything.” “Kids don’t know about best-sellers. They go for that they enjoy. They aren’t chasers and they don’t suck up. It’s why I like them.”

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