The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The fullness of life is the fruit of creative response. And creative response is core to growing soul and growing soul is all we are asked to do in this life. It is what will serve us in the next life and what will extend our influence in this life even after we are gone. For what is of the soul is founded in the eternal and serves as nourishment to those becoming human. This nourishment of soul is found in the concept of the Golden chain—soulful predecessors who still inspire us with works of creation and lives true to their origo.  Our role as Anam Chara is to continue to bolster the collective resolve of Christuman to individually respond to the call to create. I appeal to you to help me root myself in my genius, my origo—what is unique in me—so that I may create. And I commit to you that I will help you root yourself in your genius, your origo—that what is unique in you is maintained with integrity and from it you may create.                                         

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Anthony of Padua with the Infant Jesus by Francisco de Zurbarán, 1627–1630

Anthony of Padua with the Infant Jesus by Francisco de Zurbarán, 1627–1630

St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231): Franciscan preacher

Dorothy Sayers born 1893 in Oxford, England, died 1957: crime writer, poet, essayist, translator and Christuman Humanist best remembered for her plucky detective, Lord Peter Whimsey
Works:  Gaudy Night, Whose Body?, The Nine Tailors
Quotes: “Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force.” “The great advantage of telling the truth is that nobody ever believes it.”

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