The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The Holy has been revealing itself to humankind for a long time; in fact, it is doubtful if any concept has lived in the human experience—in the human witness—for so long a time as religious truth. It just won’t die. Where humanity is most human, this religious perception is more vivid and most intense. Where man is only homo faber (or less), this awareness may or may not obtain….Humanity did not exist until the sacred entered the material, the flesh, the animal and by synchrony became one with it. Homo faber, no matter how brilliant is just not enough….When the sacred entered this little creature, he or she became Godlike by the gift of speech (logos)—the third great gift of Grace. And religion was born. From the beginning, this was the true religion, no matter how much or how little was or is apprehended or comprehended. No matter how it is interpreted: in corn pollen in a burning bush or in a star…God is not more when He speaks again 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 thousand years later, over Bethlehem or in a cave outside Mecca or in the Deer Park or by Deer Creek.                                                                                                    

William Boast

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