The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

From perennial wisdom, the truth: “as above, so below” and whenever the divine is brought into the now, a blessing, an element of grace—something extraordinary—occurs.  When the “I am that I am” entered a bush in the desert, something extraordinary occurred.  Seeing it in flames, Moses said, “I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.”  

When we bless a candle, we are bringing the above into the candle below and it is imbued with an element of grace from above—something marvelous occurs.  Like a burning bush, the candle holds the presence of God within it and is made holy.  Likewise, when we speak the names of those we pray for, we call down the blessing of healing and hope from above—something marvelous occurs.

God’s last words to Moses from the burning bush were: “And you shall take in your hand this staff, with which you shall perform the signs.”  The staff was what was at hand—it represented a lineage of shepherding.  Notice it wasn’t a glorious gold-tipped sword or a mystical shield forged by a god, or even a golden chalice of magical power—it was Moses’ daily working tool.  From what you do every day—the means to blessings from above—occurrences marvelous, magnificent, awe-full.                                                                                        

Benjamin Martin

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