The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Among the many powerful truths exemplified by Mother Teresa, the one that is most forceful to me now is how she surrendered herself to her call. She was so clear and firm: she surrendered her control and accepted that what would blossom, bear fruit and multiply was what God wanted. It really was that simple; that deeply complex.

Does that mean that she passively waited for God to create what he wanted out of the material of the rest of the world? Obviously and emphatically not! Mother Teresa was proactive (to use a small word for it). She devoted every ounce of will, determination, energy and prayer to ask God to supply the next gab of rice, carton of medicine, house for feeding the poor or shelter for the dying. She accepted that if it wasn’t given God hadn’t meant for it to happen.  Then she prayed for guidance about what to do next and moved on….

Mother’s Teresa’s calling isn’t mine or yours. My first and primary task is to listen for my own; to do whatever is necessary to hear God calling me; to let go and let the Holy Spirit move me where it will. That’s my pledge: to make time and space to listen, to be unafraid to hear and follow. 

Ben Leichtling

On This Day…

Anniversary of the Christuman Ordination of Alexis Drabek

St. Boniface (675-754): court chaplain to the Emperor of Rome and missionary to Germany, Hungary and Russia

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