The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

O Holy Spirit,
We call upon the life in us
to regenerate new life —
to replace those cells no longer vital
and to revitalize our hearts, our minds, our dedication.
We live in such a jumble of shoulds and rights and wants.
It seems we cannot sustain a rhythm of hours, of seasons, of prayer.

Renew us.
Make our eyes new. 
Fire our love that it may flow strong and rich.
Take the death in us
and from its ashes grow green visions
and deep-down imaginatio.

Let our arête germinate new action;
our contemplative time, new insight.
Turn our disappointments into joy,
our frustrations into hope.
For this season of renewal, we are grateful.
May this season be reborn in us.

In Your Image. Amen.                                                

Benjamin Martin

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