The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

This is entheos.

And who dances at our birth but joy?
And who dances atop our grave but joy?
And who, but joy, dances when we join together?
And who, but joy, dances when we put asunder?
And where is our joy but in what is being created?
And where is the source of this creation
but in the death of what has happened?
And what can keep us from this joy of creation 
but holding on to what has happened? 
And thus, our joy's beginning is in the
joyous sorrow of our letting go, letting
go, letting go, letting go.

From the Mystery of Joy High Service

On This Day…

St. Antonious of Florence (1389-1459 CE): Dominican monk, friend of Fra. Angelico, and Archbishop of Florence

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