The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Years ago, when we first gathered at the Boast’s house, you never, never, ever, ever left the gathering without receiving a word of exhortation or cheer from Bill “Blessings!” he cried to us, usually from the front porch, as we made our way to our cars to drive away.   “Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!” he’d call as he waved to us until we were out of sight….Sent on your way, sent on your quest with Joy! Joy! Joy! I know the word Bill cried out was “blessings” but “Joy!  Joy!  Joy!” is what I always heard.  

What did we learn from Bill on all those Sunday nights? At the very least, Bill taught us to create a rich life no matter how impoverished the time. At the very highest, he taught us the secret of the fiery quest and its boon—the birth of the human soul within each of us.  Years ago, many of us made our way into a womblike canyon following the glow of Bill’s porchlight and there…his tables never failed to be laden with soul-nourishing riches, the air filled with joyous anticipation. Bill, wherever you are, whatever quest you are currently fulfilling, I hope you know that this merry band has ever been and is still grateful to you for all the “Blessings of  Joy!”—you bestowed upon us from the front porch of your omnific journey.                  

Teri H Martin

On This Day…

St. David (1084-1153): king of Scotland and spreader of Christianity

Joseph Brodsky born 1940 in Russia, died 1996: poet and essayist
Works: Watermark, On Grief and Reason, So Forth
Quotes: “Life – the way it really is – is a battle not between Bad and Good, but between Bad and Worse.” “After all, it is hard to master both life and work equally well. So if you are bound to fake one of them, it had better be life.” “For a writer only one form of patriotism exists: his attitude toward language.”

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