The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Christuman teaches the importance of the Mind of the Heart, rather than thinking and reasoning to find truth. The Upanishads share this: Love, the first seed of the Soul. The truth of this the Sages found in their hearts; seeking in their hearts with wisdom, the Sages found that bond of union between Being and non-being.  

And from the Enneanean: The perfect synchrony of the profoundly rational mind and the intensely passionate heart, by the presence of the Holy Spirit, makes the Human. Reason alone is an enemy; passion alone is an enemy.

We must go beyond names, labels and separateness to the Unity of the One….Our focus on thinking and reasoning leads to worry, sadness and desperation. The mind of the heart and the focus on oneness leads to eternal joy.

Keep the mind Pure, for what a man thinketh he becomes.

From the Tittiriya Upanishad:  And then he saw that Brahman was Joy: For from joy all beings have come, by joy they all live, and unto joy they all return.

God is love and love is joy. All the universe has come from love and unto love all things return.                                                                                            

Barbara Dalberg    

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