The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

We dive into our Credo, declaring, “I believe in the Holy and Universal Spirit to whom mankind has given many names and one love, our God, ineffable and divine.” A rose is a rose is a rose by any other name and so we say of Spirit, call it what you will—your name, our name—a creative attempt to call forth and identify with and to dance with and to worship with and to break out of the everything else with and to give a name to the manifestation, to the manifestations of the divine, the Spirit.  

We dive into the Credo and it all ends in the deep, deep waters— it all ends in love. The big splash, the revelatory plunge, the exhilarating amazement is to end up in the one love—not the same name, same belief, the sameness of anything but in the oneness of the love, the beloving. And though there is a longing to be one and to return to the beloved, we learn this oneness of love in love for one other—of spouse, of child, of grandchild, of soul-friend, of co-worker, of kin and beyond. So, there are many and manifold and uncountable names and sparks, but then the splash—only one—only the one and only the one love. How true. 

We dive into the Credo and though the splash and the plunge are into the one love, we are tossed into an ocean that is ineffable, unfathomable, bottomless—that is divine—infused with a creative essence that continues a revelatory dance of nuance and flair and unlimited plumage and color and mystery. This landing place for the opening affirmation of the credo carries in the possessive—our—so it is not just an impersonal force or external non-creatureness but personal—it is God made immanent because we personalize what we know in our soul of souls to be ineffable and divine. Ours—a personal affirmation and total embrace of what is ineffable and divine though by its very nature it is unembraceable and yet, we are its only chance to unfold and be made known, be made manifest through us.

Benjamin Martin

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