The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Behold, we sit ‘round table in the midst of holy ground
…light on our right hands and light on our left.
O Great I AM, grant us the grace of pure vision
To behold and be held by such a marvelous sight
…each light burning; yet not consumed.
How would that be…if we were to be so graced?
I take off my shoes for not only am I on holy ground
I am holy ground.
And in this ground, my grave and my garden
Where I must die to all I have acquired
That I might open up into all that I am.

Teri Martin

On This Day…


St. Albert The Great (Albertus Magnus): 13C scholar, Bishop of Reginsburg,
Germany and teacher of Thomas Aquinas and many others. Doctor of the Church, he had profound influence on the doctrinal footings of the Catholic Church

Marianne Moore born in 1887 'in Kirkwood, Missouri: poet, translator and editor with many collections of poems published. Died 2-5-72
Quotes: "The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence, not in silence, but restraint."
“There never was a war that was not inward."
"Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads." 

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