The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Granna’s house is where the grandchildren can come and take off their shoes and put on bedroom slippers. Where they can paint or draw whenever they want, or make Play-Doh sculptures and use the kitchen utensils to do so. Where every year Halloween and Easter and Christmas, cookies are made. Where dozens of eggs are dyed for Passover. Where they can help with cooking and baking, or just sit on the counter and drink grape soda and talk. Where someone always has time to read to them. Where their custom-made birthday cakes are fashioned. Where they can lie on the couches covered up with quilts while they get their feet rubbed. The world we live in is loud and confusing and fraught with danger. Our children need a haven.                                                                                      

Donna Leichtling

On This Day…

St. Martin of Tours: Roman soldier become hermit and then bishop of Tours who burned and destroyed all the pagan temples and shrines in Tours, France.

Shinto World Community Day: celebrating the unity behind diversity and remembering that we are all one people 

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