The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

...I must have done something right when one night in my dreams.... 

I was again traveling on a road that was running parallel to a river on my right. This time, however, there were many cars traveling in both directions ... I realized that I was on the same road I had traveled a few nights earlier. On this night though, instead of the road dropping off into nothingness, I could see the road ahead of me suddenly taking a 90 degree turn straight up. "Oh God, not this road again, " I thought ... If I were going to have any chance of making it up I knew I had to push my car beyond the extremes. Without hesitation, I steered my way around the pile of people and vehicles at the bottom of the hill and began my journey upward. At first, I was rather amazed how the car made it past a quarter of the way up. Here I was weaving around those vehicles that ... would soon be falling back to the road below ... I knew I had to stay focused on what was ahead As my car made it past the halfway mark and past the point where no other vehicle had gone, I sensed I was going to make it. But the moment I noticed where I was in relation to others, the car began to lose it momentum... 

My upward movement had come to a halt and I was beginning to feel the car move slightly backwards. I was within an arm's reach of the top. To fall from here would be my death and the cause of other deaths below. I had no choice but immediately to reach out my car window and grab the pavement above with my left hand. And as I began to hold the roof of the car with my legs, I reached up with my right hand and tried pulling myself and my car to the top. I'm not sure which was more painful-the heat of the asphalt on the side of my body as I dangled there, scraping the skin off my elbows as I tried to swing the car and my legs up to the ledge or the feeling of my fingernails being torn from their roots, my fingertips being burned to the bone. Cars were whizzing by my head and hands as I was desperately trying to pull the car up over the edge. With pain now surging through my whole body, I roared with a power and rage that echoed through the valley and pulled myself and the car over the edge and on to the top of the road. 

It was a quest, a trial, a journey, a personal hero path that I had just traveled. The next time God provides me with an opportunity in real time, a time that I know may well bring pain, death and suffering, I look forward to the ride down and the chance of yelling at the top of my lungs, "WWWHHHHEEEEEEEEE!"                                                                                                                                            

Earl Behnke

On This Day…

Mawlid al Nabi: Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

Sts. Simon and Jude: Apostles 

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