The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The eternally crucified, yet risen Christ and the eternally silent, yet awakened Buddha—each creates a powerful black hole of unknowing into which, if we desire to approach, all of our certain, rationalized truths about God ultimately must disappear.  Yet, while acknowledging that the existence of the Ineffable is independent even of the trueness of the noblest of truths, be they Christian or Buddhist, I also recognize that the human's existence is not. And so, in all of human history, there have been ways of holiness, of ethical conduct, of mental discipline and intuitive wisdom. In another time and another place, this could have been a “Buddhuman” way. In this time and place it is a Christuman way I seek, perhaps because I prefer ideas of a Golden Chain over a Karmic one, (although they may be the same).  All the while, I must never forget that God is, with or without any of our ideas, preferences or understandings. On this Christuman Way, may we acknowledge, with Nicholas of Cusa, that there is but one God and his name is manifold, that he is as many as one and infinity, and that he is neither nor anything else that one can say.

Teri Martin

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

On This Day…

Christian Holy Cross Day: the cross is recognized as a symbol of Christ’s victory over death

Shinto International Day of Peace  

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