The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The mystery of God is in the God within the God—that there is a God gene that somehow can recombine and unfold its own image through the lineage of the human, that somehow His whole is in my fragment. The mystery of God is that such grand intelligence that is beyond all universes is somehow coded into my own DNA and can unite me here with His image everywhere—that the God within the God is at play in his love for me and synchronizes the music with the dance that His grace may abound. The mystery of the God is in the holo-God who is the whole picture and yet, found wholly within each piece. The mystery of the god within the god is that God is within the mystery of being human. And my longing and my prayers and my loves are themselves the God within the God because they carry His signature and will not betray me. Already I have the love of the god within the God, now may this mystery flow unconstricted through me.                                                           

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Happy Birthday Confucius, born 552 in Lu, China

St. Wenceslas of Bohemia (of “Good King Wenceslas” Christmas carol fame): 10C Duke of Bohemia, assassinated by his own brother

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