The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Stars are sublime, as God is, 
where matter and spirit touch, 
where earth and holy intersect 

Homo faber...homo poetus... homo sublime
Out of our hunger for you—
our desire to be sustenance for your love 
through the mixing of your grace 
with the offering of our ashes
the consummation of Creator God 
with human creation. 
We celebrate all epiphanies and manifestations of you, 
oh God, through all...
Glory be your name and your many faces.            

From the Mystery of God Service

On This Day…

Christuman Ordination Day of Earl Behnke

Ganesh Chaturthi


St. Monodora and her sisters, St. Metrodora and St. Nymphodora (so J.K. Rowling did not make that name up after all!): 4C orphans martyred by Roman emperor Diocletian


Hilda Doolittle (“H.D.”) born 1886 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: poet, died 1961
Quotes: “Dance until the earth dances.” “Consider the birds, be wise as serpents.” “Ah, love is bitter and sweet, but which is more sweet – the bitterness or the sweetness, none has spoken it.”


Mary Oliver born 1935 in Ohio: Pulitzer Prize poet
Works: Dog Songs, Long Life, Thirst
Quotes: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” “Instructions for living a life: Pay Attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” “I simply do not distinguish between work and play.”

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