The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Filtering by Category: Mystery of Enlightenment

Daily Signet

A scientist might say that you can predict the light, when it will emerge in the morning and when it will tuck itself into the night. But for me, it is always unpredictable—never the same. A scientist might say, you can predict where it will be in the sky depending on the time of year. But for me, while it is reminiscent of where it was in the sky this time last year, it is definitely different this year. It is a wonder to awaken to the truth that my world is lighted by a star and to couple that with the scientific truth that “Every atom in my body was once in a star.” A star’s light reaching in through my vistas and calling out the atomic nature of my being is marvelous—amazing….

Stars are sacked like jacks in us—waiting for their chance to be. We are the folly of the Divine who has stashed gem-like stars in this bag of our flesh and said, “Bear Fruit.  Now, play.” We are not about this sack but about stars.  Can we, seeded with stars, give birth to light? And what are these divine elements of stars hiding out in this animal trough of ours?  They are the star of genius, the star of imagination, the star of creative response, the star of humor, the star of times past and times future. These seeds of stars are what transform us from merely animal into animal animated with divine breath, with the inspiration of the Holy Breath. We are children of the Holy Spirit. Spill open the sack and let the stars display!                     

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…


Mother Seton: founder of the American Daughters of Charity, and first American saint


JRR Tolkien born in 1892 in South Africa: writer, poet, philologist. Works: The Hobbit, Trilogy of the Rings.  Died, 1973.  Quotes: “Not all who wander are lost.” “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”

Daily Signet

In this season we think of the teachers who teach and what was waiting in us becomes real…
We think of the magi who saw a star, a potential, a world’s chance to be…
Who didn’t know what the particular potential of the star was…
Who didn’t know what “world’s chance to be” it was…
But they beloving, revealed their believing and came to worship… 

Heraclitus said, “If you do not hope, you will not find that which is not hoped for; since it is difficult to discover and impossible to attain.”  How many stars in the East have gone unseen, or perhaps seen, were ignored.

During this season of epiphany and beyond, may we receive the gift of pure vision 
and if you see a star in the East, may you have the courage to load up the camels. Today.

May we be seers and not mere spectators and reach for the star, try to reach all of the way.
Because Advent is over and so is the season of waiting.

Teri Martin

Daily Signet

How true to what we recognize as you, O God,
that upon this tool of knowing, you have us
convey what we cannot know.
Despite our minds; we reach for Mind
and through this Mind—the Word, the Gnosis, the Logos.

From The Prayer to the Mystery of Enlightenment 

Image by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

On This Day…

New Year’s Day

Orthodox Christian Feast Day of St. Basil: Bishop of Caesarea and Doctor of the Church. 4C, also OC remembrance of the Holy Name of Jesus

Shogatsu: six-day Shinto honoring of the Kami (spirits) of the four directions – prayers for happiness, good health and prosperity are said

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