The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Filtering by Category: Mystery of Grace and Love

Daily Signet

Oh Holy Spirit,
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our love.
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our joy.
May we circulate a breath that revitalizes our creative energy.
Oh Holy Breath, circulate in all your fullness through us.

Upon your breath, may we articulate a song inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all despair.
Upon your breath, may we articulate a thought inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all apathy.
Upon your breath, may we articulate a prayer inspired.
Upon your breath, may we exhale all fear.
Oh Holy Breath, articulate and exhale in all your fullness through us.

And though it seems we are the one who breathes,
let us submit to being breathed by you.
And though it seems we are the ones who inspire,
let us realize that we are the inspiration.
And though it seems we are the one who stops and starts and holds the breath,
Let us realize it is the breath
that stops and starts and holds us.

Oh Holy Spirit,
May we know the fullness of your breath
in the fullness of this moment now,
in the fullness of our days here,
and in the fullness of our days hereafter.

Oh Holy Breath, inspire us so we may be your prayer.
In Your Image. Amen.                                                           

Benjamin Martin



Daily Signet

A statement has been made that one’s best is not enough.
Thus may I be granted the grace to give, be, become more than my best.

We have heard that “work is love made visible.”
May I be granted the grace to make my love for each of you visible by my work.

May I be granted the grace of vision and wisdom for each task.

As I do not know what my job will be,
I bring my willingness, openness and acceptance.

I thank each of you who have been serving in so many ways. I ask grace to serve you, also. May it be so.

Janet Gerardy

On This Day…

Birthday of Abraham Lincoln

Daily Signet

A grace-filled life is and should be focused on a full intake of holy breath—of inspiration, of enthusiasmos, literally “God within you.”

Too often, however, we suffer from “life apnea” cutting short the breath, preventing ourselves from the full benefits of a spirit-filled life....

Our means to grace? A death to how we have always done it—a death to just surviving, and an awakening to a vitalizing force that can and does transform us again and again.

Death to the apnea of our souls.

Great breaths of fresh air, of holy breath through all we do. Amen.              

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Our Lady of Lourdes: in remembrance of the appearance of The Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France to a peasant girl, where a great healing spring would be found which still draws those in need

Daily Signet

Drawing of Mother Buffalo by Anne-Marie at age 8

Drawing of Mother Buffalo by Anne-Marie at age 8

In the Mystery of Grace and Love High Service, the Lector reads: “In the ripe silence of the night, I heard myself ask, ‘Whence cometh my grace?’ ‘From death,’ intoned a voice. The answer was as unexpected as grace itself.”

It was six years ago this week that I took a pivotal trip with my dear soul sister Genevieve Boast to Sacred Ground International outside of Billings, Montana, to participate in a sacred buffalo hunt that gifted our community with Buffalo Mother. While it was she that experienced a physical death, we all experienced an initiatory death—a direct look at the cycle of life and death, the cost of what it takes to sustain and nourish our bodies, and the importance of our gratitude for what is physically and spiritually gifted us through death. Even greater than the meat provided was the grace bestowed upon us and our children through their questioning and our immense outpouring of love for the buffalo. It was as if we gained a secret power that should not be a secret—that when you take from the world with permission and gratitude you feel a coursing within you, a connection that enlivens and gives a grounding purpose to your life.      

Alexis Drabek

Daily Signet

Silken uncertitude
Dribbling off beastly brows
Sliding between unconscious fingers
Frothy flowing down, down
To puddle dumbly, uselessly underfoot.

At times, I have felt that it was too late.

Lost moments have grown into hours
Weeks pile up into months,
Mound to years
Until decades of unloving stack up around me
Shutting out the sun
the moon and stars

Too much. Too much. Perhaps all.

But then God whispers to me of Grace.

If the heaps of squandered life
Push me to the edge,
Bring me to see,
Cause me to choose
To be present in my living,
Watching intently
Receiving intensely
Using the gifts of the moment as
Venerable anchors to hold me in the now,

Then whatever was misspent through my inattention
Was not a waste,
But a boon.
A boon which has brought me to this point
of concentrated attendance.                                                    

Donna Piper Leichtling

On This Day…


Amy Lowell born 1874 in Brookline, Massachusetts, died, 1925: imagist poet, writer and Pulitzer Prize recipient. Works: A Dome Of Many Colored Glass, Men, Woman and Ghosts, Pictures of the Floating World
Quotes: “All books are either dreams or swords. You can cut or you can drug with words.” “You are ice and fire, the touch of you burns my hands like snow.” “Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.”

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