The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Morning Prayer

I thank you, Lord
for this new day
the only day.

I pray the sun shine
illuminate and make clear my blessings
that I may thank Thee generously;

showing me the path at my feet, 
fueling my heart with courage to step,    

but first simply to stand upon it,
completely, purely in the moment
filled with joy.                                                                                                 

Donna Piper Leichtling

On This Day…

St. Athanasius (920-1000 CE): Greek monk who supervised 58 monasteries

Daily Signet

Let us not cut short the breath,
and hold back on the rejuvenating joy.
Let us not cut short the breath,
and arrest the infilling of imagination.
Let us not cut short the breath,
and interrupt our song before its completeness.

For joy abounds all around us.
Let us inspire this joy
with the fullness of our deepest breath.

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Arizona Hopi Kachina dance: dancers represent spirit powers

Beltane: festival celebrating the beginning of summer

Daily Signet

The call to Creativity is a call to embody the foundation: “We are created in the creative image of the Creator and our acts of creation make known this Imago Dei impressioned upon our hearts: all believed and all beloved.” We are called to creatively respond—and through our unique acts of creation—we make known to all this Imago Dei—the Christ in each of us, the God Image in each of us, the Origo in each of us—impressioned upon our hearts.  

It is a short-lived gift, this humanity of ours. It calls us to that which is personal and generative. It calls us to the mastery of craft that we might break through to what is at once unique to us and universal to all. 

Help us, Oh God, to embody the perennial vision of the Human by attaining to our original—
that our daily bears the signet of our true, of our created. Amen.

And again our prayer, 
Help us, Oh God, to embody the perennial vision of the Human 
by attaining to our original--
that our daily bears the signet of our true, of our created.  
May we answer the call to Create.  Amen.                                         

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

St. Catherine of Siena: 14C: Nun, advisor to popes, papal diplomat and writer.

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