The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Filtering by Category: Mystery of Creativity

Daily Signet

The call to Creativity is a call to embody the foundation: “We are created in the creative image of the Creator and our acts of creation make known this Imago Dei impressioned upon our hearts: all believed and all beloved.” We are called to creatively respond—and through our unique acts of creation—we make known to all this Imago Dei—the Christ in each of us, the God Image in each of us, the Origo in each of us—impressioned upon our hearts.  

It is a short-lived gift, this humanity of ours. It calls us to that which is personal and generative. It calls us to the mastery of craft that we might break through to what is at once unique to us and universal to all. 

Help us, Oh God, to embody the perennial vision of the Human by attaining to our original—
that our daily bears the signet of our true, of our created. Amen.

And again our prayer, 
Help us, Oh God, to embody the perennial vision of the Human 
by attaining to our original--
that our daily bears the signet of our true, of our created.  
May we answer the call to Create.  Amen.                                         

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

St. Catherine of Siena: 14C: Nun, advisor to popes, papal diplomat and writer.

Daily Signet

Is there anything more mysterious than creativity? Where we are gifted with the power to make anew from that which has been and invoke something that has not been—the mystery of conceiving something uniquely Here that has never been conceived here Before? O my, thank you God, for having created us Human and may we, in the image of your Creation, create what is uniquely Human. "For only from originals can originals come. This is the flow and power of creativity—from age to age and from day to day." Holy, holy, holy—how you must love us! Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.

We raise our Prayer to the Mystery of Creativity that for us, began as we began to conceive and imagine and sing and dance and make music and emote in color and give expression of words to feelings that seemed somehow foreign or Other and yet feelings that were nested in the experience of our awakenings and our illuminations. And yet, this is just a continuance of a prayer from our grandfather's great-grandfather's grandfather—and so it goes and we carry in to this moment their incarnating DNA and we experience through a shared, inherited physicality the amazing Here of being Human in 2022.  

Holy, holy, holy—how you must love us! Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.

Benjamin Martin

Daily Signet

“In the beginning was the Word.” In the beginning, God created a living dictionary, a universe alphabetized along lines of chemical bonds and DNA codes—the word being made galaxies and black holes and stars and rock and gases and liquids and somehow, miraculously, flesh among and in us. To create anew, our challenge is to take the words from our believing, and plant them within the heart of our beloving. This pure and most potent encapsulation challenges us to trace our own original logos to its source, the etymology of the origo, to clean out the cant not only of our minds, but of our hearts as well. This requires more than merely polish our theological entries; it requires going beyond a mental understanding of the words; we must make the words flesh. We must become “gospel”, become “baptism”, become “apocatastasis” and even “apophatic”. We must become living dictionaries of the Word—unique yet universal, individually origo, universally logos

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Palm Sunday: Orthodox Christian

Daily Signet

I sit in awe as I realize that Christuman has created a 3-dimensional place for which we can give birth to the best of us, that which is truly Human. Christuman has provided us with a scaffolding with which we can make essential bonds with all that Eternal and all that is Universal. Christuman allows us to be open to the Holy Spirit each in our own manner—not through dogmatic statements that create boundaries, but by asking us to read and learn and keep an open mind, to be able to make receptive relationships. Finally, it gives us the greatest freedom to create structures with all of these elements. Not lifeless solid objects that are dead on the table, but living energetic expressions of these inner, eternal truths. I am continually amazed by discoveries being made in the nano world as well as the cosmos; human beings are amazing. But these discoveries pale in comparison to this spiritual rediscovery in Christuman—the potential that it creates and releases is limitless. Just by being here in this moment, just by looking, you add your energy, your structure, your unique creativity.                     

Alexis Drabek

On This Day…

Hanuman Jayanti: Hindu celebration of Hanuman’s birthday

Cecil Day-Lewis born 1904 in the Republic of Ireland, died 1972: poet, poet laureate of the UK, writer of mysteries under the name Nicholas Blake, and also father of actor Daniel Day-Lewis.

Works: The Poetic Image, The Otterbury Incident, Thou Shell of Death

Quotes: “Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.” “We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.” “Selfhood begins with a walking away, and love is proved in letting go.”

Daily Signet

The eternal creative force can only exist by the perpetual imaginative motion of paradox. Our physical eyes cannot hold the two pictures at once—the box either comes out from the page toward us or recedes into the page away from us. We are either in the white of the yang or the black of the yin. Only in the imagination, only with the eyes of the soul, can one steady one’s self in the space between. Logic takes us to the certain, sure and measurable edges of our thinking, but only imagination, only art, only ritual, only prayerful contemplation can hold us in the center, in the space between our thoughts. In the world, we must choose one picture at a time—we must choose an edge. The successful, who may even gain the whole world, can move with agility back and forth. But the soul can only be visited, cared for and restored in the space between.

From the imaginal space between comes the sacred, comes grace. It is the place where Christs are born and Virgins are made once again virginal, where creativity is made eternal. Universal restoration is not something that will happen at the end of time, but is something that happens each time one holds oneself in the middle of paradox and restores the soul.                                                                  

Teri Martin

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