The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

“In the beginning was the Word.” In the beginning, God created a living dictionary, a universe alphabetized along lines of chemical bonds and DNA codes—the word being made galaxies and black holes and stars and rock and gases and liquids and somehow, miraculously, flesh among and in us. To create anew, our challenge is to take the words from our believing, and plant them within the heart of our beloving. This pure and most potent encapsulation challenges us to trace our own original logos to its source, the etymology of the origo, to clean out the cant not only of our minds, but of our hearts as well. This requires more than merely polish our theological entries; it requires going beyond a mental understanding of the words; we must make the words flesh. We must become “gospel”, become “baptism”, become “apocatastasis” and even “apophatic”. We must become living dictionaries of the Word—unique yet universal, individually origo, universally logos

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Palm Sunday: Orthodox Christian

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