The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

So little of joy is happy, so much of joy is participation.                                

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

St. Matthias: selected by Jesus’ remaining disciples to replace Judas; he was later martyred

Daily Signet

I don’t just do them; I try to do them with love.

I don’t just enjoy the ending of the task. I try to remember to rejoice that it may have given pleasure or comfort.

I have asked what I need to do to move into the world of the Divine…

There is a way.

I realize I’ve known this all along, as this is how I try to approach the midnight prayers (morning prayer is somewhat less focused!). With anticipation. With joy. With love.

And any task or chore (they’re different) CAN be done as a gift to someone—to God?

Mary K Boast

Daily Signet

As we convert more and more luxuries 
into our daily necessities,
we realize no amount of comfort
can insulate us from our need for joy.

No matter how sophisticated our settings,
no matter how established our knowledge,
no matter how filled up our days,
we realize no amount of attainment 
can replace our need for emptiness.

Teach us empty, 
that we might have a place for joy to fill.
Teach us empty,
that we might release what we are letting hold us.
Teach us empty,
that we might experience for the first time again
and then again.

In the midst of all our achievements
and all our things and all the items we do well,
bless us with being empty.
For out of our emptiness comes empathy —
and out of our empathy, love — 
and out of our love, joy.
Fill us, with Your emptiness.

In Your Image.  Amen.                                   

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…


Edward Lear born 1812 in England, died 1888: artist, musician, nonsense poetry and prose writer
Works: The Owl and the Pussycat, The Quangle Wangle, A Book of Nonsense
Quotes: “The owl and the pussycat went to sea/in a beautiful peagreen boat/they took some honey and plenty of money/wrapped up in a five pound note/they dined on mince and slices of quince they ate with a runcible spoon/and hand-in-hand on the edge of the sand/they danced by the light of the moon”

Daily Signet

Everything I am attached to is attached to me-- 
my personal parasites,
collected with care, they feed daily on my life,
eat up my vision, steal my fire.
They need so much to keep them fed.
Oh, I have collected them with care
and watched them eat away my love till so little was left
you'd never know I had once been kissed.
I wonder where they'll go when I am dead?   

William Boast

Daily Signet

This is entheos.

And who dances at our birth but joy?
And who dances atop our grave but joy?
And who, but joy, dances when we join together?
And who, but joy, dances when we put asunder?
And where is our joy but in what is being created?
And where is the source of this creation
but in the death of what has happened?
And what can keep us from this joy of creation 
but holding on to what has happened? 
And thus, our joy's beginning is in the
joyous sorrow of our letting go, letting
go, letting go, letting go.

From the Mystery of Joy High Service

On This Day…

St. Antonious of Florence (1389-1459 CE): Dominican monk, friend of Fra. Angelico, and Archbishop of Florence

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