The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

The Art of Pilgrimage: "The Pilgrim's Way" and "The Labyrinth"

Dear Friends,

Our next gathering to talk about The Art of Pilgrimage is Sunday night, December 6. The reading for that night includes Chapter IV: "The Pilgrim's Way" and Chapter V: "The Labyrinth."    

In Chapter IV, Cousineau describes the Pilgrim's Way as "the way that is no way, but a practice...Your practice is your path. 'The Way is uncontrived,' as Lao Tzu said. It is simply the way of seeing, the way of hearing, the way of touching, the way of walking, the way of being, with humility." As you give imaginative thought to the different "ways" described in this chapter, is there one in particular that calls to you or intrigues you or perhaps challenges you?  

In Chapter V, Cousineau reminds us that "no one ever escaped the shadowy corridors of a labyrinth without a clew"—"the gold thread that Ariadne gave to Theseus so he might find his way through and back from the heart of the labyrinth." As you consider this chapter, explore your own clew, be it practice or refuge or ritual or ???

Here's other suggestions for these chapters. You needn't do all of these, but if you can, pick a couple of them to do as you make your way through the chapters.   

1) Cousineau again introduces us to so many fellow travelers in these chapters.  Pick one person he quotes or names or talks about and get to know that person just a one or two interesting things about this person's experience that speaks to the art of pilgrimage.

2) Take a virtual mini-pilgrimage to the home of your favorite author, composer or artist.  This doesn't need to be exhaustive. Just google and see if you can find images or information—so many museums offer virtual tours these days. See if you discover anything that more deeply connects you to that person or offer some insight into his/her creative process.  You might even find a "secret room."      

3) Try to come up with a greeting for people you meet on the streets under Covid protocols? 

4) "See and visit" (via internet is fine) one new thing before our next session.  (New as in opposite of visiting ruins.)

5) Take a mini-pilgrimage to a graveside (via internet is fine). 

Your most important assignment is to “Enjoy” the journey!


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