The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Thurman: Preface & Chapter 1

Let’s look at the Preface and Chapter 1—but, I'd like for you to read the first chapter at least three times this week—and ideally once a day if you can.  

In one of his books, Howard Thurman talks about the man who used to come over to his porch and just sit with him, often in silence.  Think of yourself joining Thurman on his porch as you read. Seep in his presence. Listen for the sound of the genuine in him and with each reading, listen for the sound of the geniune in you as wonderings, questions, connections, words, feelings, etc arise. 

Consider what poem, music, art, literature, dance—vatic expression—you might offer to start such a Search? 

Also, I would suggest that you go ahead and start reading The Luminous Darkness  as well as a good history of the civil rights movement. Parting the Waters by Taylor Branch is on every "best history" list I've seen but there are many others.

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