The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Thurman: Chapter 2

For Sunday night's Thurman conversation we'll be based in Chapter 2 of the Search for Common Ground.

As you prepare for our conversation, in addition to reading/rereading Chapter 2, "The Search into Beginnings,” please read/reread the Robinson Jeffers poem with which Thurman opens the book. Continue to mull over his choice of this poem.  

Please bring to the table a "Da-was-sa-wah" or "In the beginning" story. This story can be any sort of myth or tale—personal, collective, cultural, scientific, literary, religious, one of Thurman's—and be prepared to speak to it in the context of what Thurman refers to as "a memory of a lost harmony." The only restriction is not to wander into future Utopia stories—we'll save that for a later chapter :-). There won't be enough time for each of us to read or relate an entire myth but I will try to give each of you a chance to say what myth you've found and what sort of lost harmony does it describe...and if there is enough time to relate how the harmony is broken.  

Also, please feel free to bring someone you'd like to introduce to us—someone from other readings, films, personal encounter, etc. We'll try to carve out a few minutes to let each of you give us a two minute intro...Obviously not enough time to tell us everything about the person, but hopefully enough time to say why you would recommend this person to us. 

Thanks and looking forward to our brilliant array on Sunday night!

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