The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

"Collateral Damage"

We are winding down in our pilgrimage through "Braiding Sweetgrass," -- this time we will bring to the table "Collateral Damage," another wonderful chapter from Robin Wall Kimmerer. Next month "Defeating Windigo," and in March, Teri will bring it all together with "Epilogue - Returning the Gift."

This has been a most wondrous journey -- thank you for walking with me, and for letting me walk with you.

In April we will begin a new book -- more information on that will be shared at the Zoom.

I dreaded the chapter on collateral damage, because so much of life is now that. I was grateful that Robin could bring a bit of hope with her statement that we can carry salamanders across the road to safety. Please bring to the table an observation of where you've seen examples of collateral damage, and how it may have changed your view and your way of living.

So much of our lives in the last few years has been a growing awareness of all of life -- not just we two-leggeds, and our responsibility for it.

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