The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Prayer for Keeping Clear

O Beloved Spirit,

The heavens empty out its heaviness in torrents of rain
and the way roars in the rush of roiling waters
dislodging upstream debris and sediment.
And the force of water surges as it collects
more and more rivulets that
flow in tangles down the slopes, 
amping up the volume and the speed of the flash. 
Can the way sustain such an onslaught?

Oh Beloved Spirit,
Help us to keep clear our culverts, our conduits.
Help us sustain a way to channel
the madness, the discontent, the disturbing. 
While we cannot control the rains,
the “when” and the “how much”, 
we can control keeping the way clear.

Oh Beloved Spirit,
Sometimes we try too hard;
sometimes not hard enough.
Sometimes we speak before we have found our truth;
sometimes we hold on to a hard silence like a weapon.
Sometimes we are rash and unthinking;
sometimes we are slow to act in our overthinking.
Too often, we get in the way of the way
and the mounting debris constricts free passage.

Grace us with remorse
that we will not harden into our sense of rightness.
Grace us with forgiveness
that we will not be preoccupied with a self-stinging.
Grace us with vision
that we will revitalize with seeing our way clear.
Grace us with lightness of being.
that we will not succumb to heaviness of spirit. 
Grace us with love
that we can embrace and sustain the torrent;
that we can embrace and sustain the moment;
that we can embrace and sustain the way of our way.

May it be so.                                                   In Your Image

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