The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

A Thousand Blooms

O the places you’ve been…
O the babies you have given birth to…
O the people who have made your life rich…
May this day bloom into
a thousand “thank-yous”
as you marvel at the inflorescence of blossoms
clustered around the good things of the Earth—
of the Earth family you were gifted at birth;
of the Spirit family you have chosen
to challenge and in-courage you;
of the Nature family animating your life
with its trees and blooms,
its mountains and seas,
its sightings in the wild
and its companions at home.
May this day bloom into
a thousand “thank-yous”.
And in your days of sequestering,
take that compelling interior road
and travel to those places
that have brought you joy,
that have surprised you,
that have subtly nourished your soul.
And in your days of sequestering,
take that compelling interior road
and travel to those imaginative places
that you never dreamed you could go.
that transport you to the amazing,
that upend you with the unexpected,
that subtly nourish your soul.
And in your days of sequestering,
take a long and nourishing breath
and allow this day to bloom into
a thousand “thank-yous”.

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