The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Prayer of Openings

Beloved Spirit,
Emissions bloom.
Soundings abound.
Textures flourish.
And yet, so much we don’t see,
so much we don’t hear.
so much we don’t touch upon.
Widen the aperture of our vision
that our intake of light might astonish us
with a Sighting resonant in this Moment.
Stretch tight the skin of our own drum
that we might re-sound with the Word
hidden in the hallowed waves of Silence.
Enthuse our sensory borders
with the ecstasy of the dance
burrowed deep in our mindful moving.

Emissions bloom.
Soundings abound.
Textures flourish.
What gifts we have been given through
these mysterious openings of being Human—
the sweetness and the savory,
the music and the dance.
What a gift we have been given
through the Light synthesized
into sugars that delight us;
into the music that enthralls us;
into the energy that moves us.

Emissions bloom.
Soundings abound.
Textures flourish.
May this pilgrimage
attune us to Sightings we haven’t seen until now,
to Music we haven’t heard until now,
to Sensations we haven’t felt until now.
May this pilgrimage
grant us Openings into our own Light,
that we might bloom,
that we might abound,
that we might flourish.
May the eyes of ours heart
and the ears of our mind
and the touchpoints of our soul
be filled with light, be enlightened.
May it be so. Amen

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