The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Prayer To Create With Integrity

O Beloved Spirit,
May you look neither to the right nor the left,
to what someone you admire has done or not done
to what you think others think you should be thinking.
Instead may you siphon up your own juices,
your own passions and compassions
your own loam and your own alluvial mix.
Fully sourced in your native impetus,
fully sourced in your inherent visions,
fully sourced in your innate longings,
let us fulfill your calling; your own calling
and Create!

Foolish for us to prescribe
a better way to someone else;
instead may we embody
our own potent possibilities
dwelling in our own particular
dwelling of bone and blood.
Foolish for us to overlay on ourselves
a model to mimic;
instead may we drink the juice of those
who have captured our imaginations
and thus intensify our own light,
our own way of shining.
Foolish for us to chide ourselves
with self-stinging judgments;
instead may we step into
the beloving that beholds us,
the beloving that awaits us,
the beloving that moves us ever closer
to the Beloved that beloves us.

The path integral to the integrity of Spirit
seems so narrow to walk,
so difficult to traverse.
Too easy to veer to the right
or to the left or to where we are most comfortable.
We are not sure we can do this--
to dive so deeply and
to surface with a clarity of expression
that is so uniquely our own,
our own Origo.
O Beloved Spirit, do not fail us now,
help us to Create, to Create, to Create. Amen

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