The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Prayer For A Day Like No Other

O Beloved Spirit,

Not just another day, but a day like no other.
Not another awakening but an awakening full of surprise.
Not another appointment but a divine appointment here by grace.
This day—how ripe with the fruit of so many days before.
This day—how pregnant with so many awakenings until now.
This day—how potent with so many appointments infilling this current hour.

Earth-time, sacred-time, chronos and kairos time:
our palette of a day taking a spin around a fiery star.
Our one chance to be; to become; to behold; to be fully awake; to see.
Awaken in us a spirit of creation, our Imago Dei,
that we might answer the call of the Human:
to make sacred, to make play, to make new,
to make whole, to make beautiful—To Create!

No other day than this day.
No other awakening than this awakening.
No other appointment than this appointment.
We have been brought to this moment like no other moment—
by prophetic dreams, by inspired faith, by cadence and color.

Here we are in the current of time, awash in the now, alive in the new.
And hidden in this day, the Imago Dei, scattered across our earthen cells.
Unearth this Imago Dei impressioned on our hearts,
that our acts of creation will make known the potent potential
embedded in the Imago of this one more day—
this one more day in which to make sacred, to make play, to make new,
to make whole, to make beautiful—To Create! Amen

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